So, I've spent a but more time working on this piece for a commission. The stars have been added using the tried and tested spattering technique of dipping a round head brush into Titanium white paint and taping the brush with the handle of another. Not quite as easier as it sounds as occasionally the paint lands as a blob or stretched so not very star-like. It's also a good idea to do this when no one is around - the constant tapping was driving my wife to distraction!
The stars were a little too bright and especially so given the client wants a specific constellation added and for it to stand out. So I also over-painted with a weak turquoise transparent glaze. This was just enough to dial down the brightness without colouring further.
Next job was to start building some depth by adding a few distant tree lines. These may not stay but they are needed to help me frame the image.
And then the snow! There is something very therapeutic and calming when painting snow. Lots of blending of white, black and even some cerulean blue. The aim was to create a dynamic foreground again to also add depth.
Lots more still to do and I'm sure it will continue to evolve. Keep following to see how it develops.
Stars and snow now added to this work in progress