Finding inspiration from staying in
Here we are heading towards a third week of so-called lock-down due to this dreadful Corona virus. I'm now working from home 100% of my time and go out for an hour a day to walk the dogs for exercise. Of course, this means all my travelling has stopped and so too has the opportunity to see new things from which to draw inspiration for my paintings. Or so I thought.
Springtime inspiration in the garden
The water colour painting above was the result of sitting in my garden watching the birds compete for territory and empty my bird feeders, well, when they could get past the greedy pigeons! I think I'd taken my garden for granted and not really considered it as a source of ideas for my work. Now, forced to stay at home I started to properly look at what was right in front of me. Not just birds but flowers too.
Amazingly vibrant tulip
Colourful inspiration all over the garden
I've also found that my love of abstract art can be inspired and motivated from my garden. Just looking closer at some of the plants and flowers provide for a very different perspective. Take this image of the anthers inside the tulip - totally abstract when the wider context is removed but still a beautiful image. I think this would make a great large acrylic canvas and would make a fantastic addition to someone's home. Assuming they like red!
I'm sure I will find more inspiration in the coming weeks. If you'd like to see what comes next why not subscribe and follow my blog?
Abstract inspiration deep inside a tulip