Primed and Ready!
A blank canvas! What will I do with it? So much potential and so much time. I'm having a day off from the day job and having a painting day today. Although my desk easel is starting to look like an abstract artwork in its own right!
A blank canvas primed and ready
So, mindful that I haven't finished any new paintings for a while (building the new website took all my spare time) I've decided today is a painting day. This small box canvas may become one of my free giveaways and may become an abstract piece. I'm not sure yet. I would usually leave it in a town or city to be discovered but, with lockdown, I'll be giving it away to one of my subscribers. Want it? Simply subscribe!
I've also primed another two larger canvasses and I have no idea what they will become. My floral series was hugely popular and I now only have two left so perhaps I'll create a few more. But then, I love the energy that I put into creating the abstracts so maybe I'll have a messy painting day and unleash my inner child! Well why should kids be the only ones to get messy? Of course, my wife may have something to say if she catches me throwing paint all over the place. I really need to find myself a large studio space! Now there's a thought - imagine the huge canvasses I could create then! Hmmm!
Have a great day folks and subscribe if you want a chance to win a free painting.