My granddaughter, Emelia, has her 2nd birthday coming up in March and I understand that there are some specific things she loves to see. So, rather than try to think of some clever gift to buy her that she inevitably grow out of I thought I'd try to create a painting especially for her and that she could then keep and maybe even hand down to her own children one day. Who knows?
I started off by choosing some similar colours and ones I thought might blend well to give me a fresh and cheerful background. As I started to blend and layer the paint I thought I'd begin adding some depth to the sky. As for where this is going from here is anyones guess but it's going to be fun! I mean, just look at how I started…spots of paint everywhere!
The background layers blended together nicely!
How I started this 24 X 20 inch acrylic on canvas painting. A bit spotty!