Inside my art studio
Ever wondered where my paintings get created? Did you think I had some swanky huge and spacious art studio or that I worked in a cosy loft space? Not quite! Today, I thought I'd show you where I work which, with lockdown restrictions and working from home, is now also my office. My point? One doesn't need a huge dedicated space to create art that sells. And tidiness is not essential either!
Painting station 1: where I paint smaller works
Work stations
My art studio is really not very large and now doubles as my home office. In terms of size, my space is a bit larger than the average garage. So, although quite spacious when it's empty actually doesn't leave a lot of room once it starts to get used. My solution was to set up work stations so everything is where it needs to be.
The image above is my desk and A2 sized easel. Here I work on my smaller paintings and also my water colour stufues. I also do my sketching and prototype paintings in this space.
Behind this area is my workspace for my large easel. This can take a painting of up to 6ft wide and 4ft high. I have my larger brushes and big pots of primer and under coats around here for ease of access. You can't see it but I also have the floor covered when working on larger canvasses so that I don't end up with a technicoloured floor!
My large canvas work space.
Finally, because I also have to work in this space I've also set up my office area which is another completely different space. The aim being that I don't need to move things around or adjust my room to meet the task in hand. For me this works well but it has taken a few iterations to get right. You soon find out when it's not working when you trip over cables or splash paint where you really don't want it! Anyway, until my art sales get to the volume where I need a dedicated external studio this will do nicely, although I am getting very close to that point. Of course, when that time comes then I'll be able to let people visit my studio which is not quite so simple in a condensed space! There is one final issue and that's where you store your completed works but that's a blog for another time.
My office space in the art studio.